The catastrophe of Pompeii
Volcanoes eruptions are one of the most dangerous natural disasters, throughout history there have been many volcanic explosions, and nevertheless one of the most famous because of its terrible consequences is the eruption of the Mt. Vesuvius volcano located in Italy.
Vesuvius is located on the Italy´s west coast; it overlooks the Bay and city of Naples and sits in the crater of the ancient Somma volcano, likewise the 4300-feet high deathly volcano had erupted about once a century until 1631, subsequently the city of Pompeii was uncovered on march of the year 1748, nowadays the city have a population of about 3million people and is located in a very dangerous place.
The worst eruption of the Vesuvius volcano takes place on the august 24 of the year 79 AD when the volcano explode blowing its top, as a result the blast sent a cloud of ashes, rocks and hot volcanic gases so high into the sky that people could see it for hundreds of miles around. Further, the intense heat of 750 degrees carbonized much of the organic material in the area.
The eruption lasted 19 hours, as a conclusion, the disaster completely destroyed the Roman towns: Pompeii and Herculaneum that ended up buried in the ashes. As a result of this terrible event more than 4000 died.
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